#20250319.78 • [browser] memory pressure for MSBuild
This run will be cleaned up after 10 days based on your project settings.
Pull request by pavelsavara
0 work items0 artifacts
The job running on agent NetCore-Public 68 ran longer than the maximum time of 240 minutes. For more information, see
Build • browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests
(NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE UPVOTE AN EXISTING ISSUE OR FILE A NEW ONE AT System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Expander`2.ExpandIntoStringLeaveEscaped(String expression, ExpanderOptions options, IElementLocation elementLocation) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ItemGroupIntrinsicTask.ExpandItemIntoItems(ProjectItemGroupTaskItemInstance originalItem, Expander`2 expander, ISet`1 keepMetadata, ISet`1 removeMetadata, LoggingContext loggingContext) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ItemGroupIntrinsicTask.ExecuteAdd(ProjectItemGroupTaskItemInstance child, ItemBucket bucket, ISet`1 keepMetadata, ISet`1 removeMetadata, LoggingContext loggingContext) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ItemGroupIntrinsicTask.ExecuteTask(Lookup lookup) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.ExecuteBucket(TaskHost taskHost, ItemBucket bucket, TaskExecutionMode howT
Build • browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests • Build product
(NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE UPVOTE AN EXISTING ISSUE OR FILE A NEW ONE AT System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. at Microsoft.Build.Internal.EngineFileUtilities.GetFileList(String directoryEscaped, String filespecEscaped, Boolean returnEscaped, Boolean forceEvaluateWildCards, IEnumerable`1 excludeSpecsEscaped, FileMatcher fileMatcher, Object loggingMechanism, IElementLocation includeLocation, IElementLocation excludeLocation, IElementLocation importLocation, BuildEventContext buildEventContext, String buildEventFileInfoFullPath, Boolean disableExcludeDriveEnumerationWarning) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ItemGroupIntrinsicTask.EvaluateExcludePaths(IReadOnlyList`1 excludes, ElementLocation excludeLocation) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ItemGroupIntrinsicTask.ExpandItemIntoItems(ProjectItemGroupTaskItemInstance originalItem, Expander`2 expander, ISet`1 keepMeta
Build • browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests • Build product
(NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE UPVOTE AN EXISTING ISSUE OR FILE A NEW ONE AT System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. at System.String.Ctor(Char c, Int32 count) at Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.ExpensiveConvertToString() at Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.GetOrCreateEntry(InternableString& internable, Boolean& cacheHit) at Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner.InternableToString(InternableString& candidate) at Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.ToString() at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Expander`2.ItemExpander.ExpandItemVectorsIntoString[T](Expander`2 expander, String expression, IItemProvider`1 items, ExpanderOptions options, IElementLocation elementLocation) at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Expander`2.ExpandIntoStringLeaveEscaped(String expression, ExpanderOptions options, IElementLocation elementLoca
Build • browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests • Build product
(NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE UPVOTE AN EXISTING ISSUE OR FILE A NEW ONE AT System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. at System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableList`1.Node.CreateLeaf(T key) at System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableList`1.Node.Add(T key) at System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableList`1.Node.Add(T key) at System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableList`1.Node.Add(T key) at System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableList`1.Node.Add(T key) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ItemGroupIntrinsicTask.ExpandItemIntoItems(ProjectItemGroupTaskItemInstance originalItem, Expander`2 expander, ISet`1 keepMetadata, ISet`1 removeMetadata, LoggingContext loggingContext) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ItemGroupIntrinsicTask.ExecuteAdd(ProjectItemGroupTaskItemInstance child, ItemBucket bucket, ISet`1 keepMetadata, ISet`1 removeMetadata, LoggingContext loggingContext) at
Build • browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests • Build product
(NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE UPVOTE AN EXISTING ISSUE OR FILE A NEW ONE AT System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Resize(Int32 newSize, Boolean forceNewHashCodes) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior) at Microsoft.Build.Collections.ItemDictionary`1.Add(T projectItem) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.GatherTaskItemOutputs(Boolean outputTargetIsItem, String outputTargetName, ITaskItem[] outputs, ElementLocation parameterLocation, TaskPropertyInfo parameter) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.GatherTaskOutputs(String parameterName, ElementLocation parameterLocation, Boolean outputTargetIsItem, String outputTargetName) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.GatherTaskOutputs(TaskExecutionHost taskExecutionHost, TaskExec
Build • browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests • Build product
.dotnet/sdk/10.0.100-preview.3.25125.5/Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(2157,5): error MSB4018: (NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) The "MSBuild" task failed unexpectedly. System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Initialize(Int32 capacity) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2..ctor(Int32 capacity, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer) at Microsoft.Build.Internal.CommunicationsUtilities.GetEnvironmentVariables() at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.RequestBuilder.RestoreOperatingEnvironment() at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.RequestBuilder.StartNewBuildRequests(FullyQualifiedBuildRequest[] requests) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.RequestBuilder.BuildProjects(String[] projectFiles, PropertyDictionary`1[] properties, String[] toolsVersions, String[] targets, Boolean waitForResults, Boolean skipNonexistentTargets) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskHost.BuildProjectFilesInParallelAsync(String[] projectFileNames, String[
Build • browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests • Build product
Child node "1" exited prematurely. Shutting down. Diagnostic information may be found in files in "/tmp/MSBuildTempcloudtest_azpcontainer/" and will be named MSBuild_*.failure.txt. This location can be changed by setting the MSBUILDDEBUGPATH environment variable to a different directory.System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. at Microsoft.Build.Execution.ProjectItemInstance.TaskItem.EnumerateMetadata() at Microsoft.Build.Logging.BuildEventArgsWriter.Write(ITaskItem item, Boolean writeMetadata) at Microsoft.Build.Logging.BuildEventArgsWriter.WriteTaskItemList(IEnumerable items, Boolean writeMetadata) at Microsoft.Build.Logging.BuildEventArgsWriter.Write(TaskParameterEventArgs e) at Microsoft.Build.Logging.BinaryLogger.Write(BuildEventArgs e) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.EventSourceSink.RaiseAnyEvent(BuildEventArgs buildEvent) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.EventSourceSink.RaiseAnyEvent(BuildEventArgs buildEvent) at Microsoft.Bui
Build • browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests • Build product
The Operation will be canceled. The next steps may not contain expected logs.
Build • browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests • Build product
The operation was canceled.
Build • browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests • Build product
Show 4 additional errors
Evaluate Paths
1 job completed
2m 19s
4h 3m 14s
linux-arm Debug AllSubsets_CoreCLR_ReleaseRuntimeLibs
27m 25s
linux_musl-arm Debug AllSubsets_CoreCLR_ReleaseRuntimeLibs
27m 17s
linux_musl-arm64 Debug AllSubsets_CoreCLR_ReleaseRuntimeLibs
32m 44s
windows-arm64 Debug AllSubsets_CoreCLR_ReleaseRuntimeLibs
40m 46s
osx-arm64 Debug AllSubsets_CoreCLR
42m 37s
linux-arm64 Debug AllSubsets_CoreCLR
32m 30s
linux_musl-x64 Debug AllSubsets_CoreCLR
32m 36s
browser-wasm linux Debug AllSubsets_CoreCLR
20m 57s
linux_musl-x64 Debug CoreCLR_Libraries
48m 19s
linux-x64 Debug CoreCLR_Libraries
46m 49s
osx-x64 Debug CoreCLR_Libraries
1h 4m 42s
windows-x64 Debug CoreCLR_Libraries
43m 28s
windows-x86 release CoreCLR_Libraries
41m 9s
linux-arm64 Debug Libraries_CheckedCoreCLR
51m 37s
osx-x64 Debug Libraries_CheckedCoreCLR
1h 2m 51s
linux-x64 Debug Libraries_CheckedCoreCLR
43m 19s
windows-x64 Debug Libraries_CheckedCoreCLR
43m 31s
linux_musl-x64 Debug Libraries_CheckedCoreCLR
51m 14s
windows-x86 Debug Libraries_CheckedCoreCLR
46m 14s
osx-arm64 Debug Libraries_CheckedCoreCLR
linux-arm checked CoreCLR_ReleaseLibraries
34m 22s
windows-x86 checked CoreCLR_ReleaseLibraries
37m 47s
windows-arm64 checked CoreCLR_ReleaseLibraries
47m 47s
linux_musl-arm checked CoreCLR_ReleaseLibraries
42m 41s
linux_musl-arm64 checked CoreCLR_ReleaseLibraries
50m 32s
linux-x64 checked CoreCLR_ReleaseLibraries
52m 28s
windows-x64 checked CoreCLR_ReleaseLibraries
48m 16s
linux-x64 checked Native_GCC
27m 34s
linux-x86 checked CoreCLR
18m 18s
linux-armel checked CoreCLR_NonPortable
19m 23s
linux-riscv64 Debug CoreCLR_TwoStage
33m 26s
linux-loongarch64 Debug CoreCLR_TwoStage
36m 7s
freebsd-x64 Debug CoreCLR_TwoStage
37m 33s
linux-x64 Debug NativeAOT
1h 7m 18s
windows-x64 Debug NativeAOT
1h 16m 32s
windows-x64 Checked NativeAOT
1h 59m 35s
linux-arm64 Release NativeAOT
49m 49s
linux-x64 Release NativeAOT
1h 6m 22s
osx-x64 Release NativeAOT
40m 28s
windows-x64 Release NativeAOT
1h 3m 7s
windows-arm64 Release NativeAOT
28m 15s
linux-arm64 Release NativeAOT_Libraries
49m 52s
osx-arm64 Release NativeAOT_Libraries
47m 8s
windows-arm64 Release NativeAOT_Libraries
30m 49s
linux-x64 checked CLR_Tools_Tests
25m 43s
windows-x64 release CrossDac
20m 54s
wasi-wasm linux release MonoAOTOffsets
4m 11s
browser-wasm linux release MonoAOTOffsets
11m 17s
android-x64 release MonoAOTOffsets
4m 35s
maccatalyst-x64 release MonoAOTOffsets
4m 52s
ios-arm64 release MonoAOTOffsets
5m 11s
linux-arm Debug AllSubsets_Mono
14m 33s
linux-arm64 Debug AllSubsets_Mono
14m 46s
linux-x64 Debug AllSubsets_Mono
14m 59s
tvossimulator-x64 Debug AllSubsets_Mono
17m 18s
linux_musl-x64 Release AllSubsets_Mono
14m 46s
osx-x64 Release AllSubsets_Mono
25m 23s
browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests
4h 0m 4s
browser-wasm windows Release LibraryTests
1h 38m 54s
browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests_EAT
2h 0m 14s
browser-wasm linux Release LibraryTests_Smoke_AOT
1h 0m 50s
browser-wasm windows Release LibraryTests_Smoke_AOT
46m 50s
browser-wasm linux Release SingleThreaded_BuildOnly
34m 16s
browser-wasm windows Release SingleThreaded_BuildOnly
27m 21s
browser-wasm linux Release MultiThreaded_BuildOnly
34m 30s
browser-wasm windows Release MultiThreaded_BuildOnly
28m 40s
browser-wasm linux Release AllSubsets_Mono_RuntimeTests monointerpreter
wasi-wasm linux Release WasmBuildTests
1h 14m 55s
wasi-wasm windows Release WasmBuildTests
1h 33m 46s
android-arm Release AllSubsets_Mono
20m 1s
android-arm64 Release AllSubsets_Mono
19m 57s
android-x64 Release AllSubsets_CoreCLR
30m 22s
android-arm64 Release AllSubsets_CoreCLR
27m 25s
tvos-arm64 Release AllSubsets_Mono
36m 53s
ios-arm64 Release AllSubsets_Mono
31m 22s
tvos-arm64 Release AllSubsets_NativeAOT
40m 58s
ios-arm64 Release AllSubsets_NativeAOT
46m 3s
maccatalyst-x64 Release AllSubsets_Mono
32m 59s
linux-arm64 Release AllSubsets_Mono_LLVMAOT
15m 12s
linux-x64 Release AllSubsets_Mono_LLVMAOT
15m 17s
osx-x64 Debug AllSubsets_Mono_LLVMAOT
18m 15s
linux-arm64 debug Mono_Runtime
6m 1s
linux-x64 debug Mono_Runtime
6m 28s
osx-arm64 debug Mono_Runtime
9m 31s
osx-x64 debug Mono_Runtime
11m 19s
windows-x64 debug Mono_Runtime
7m 4s
windows-x86 debug Mono_Runtime
7m 59s
linux-arm64 release CrossAOT_Mono crossaot
11m 10s
linux_musl-x64 release CrossAOT_Mono crossaot
10m 55s
linux_musl-arm64 release CrossAOT_Mono crossaot
10m 14s
linux-x64 release CrossAOT_Mono crossaot
11m 14s
osx-arm64 release CrossAOT_Mono crossaot
1h 4m 28s
osx-x64 release CrossAOT_Mono crossaot
46m 50s
windows-x64 release CrossAOT_Mono crossaot
13m 26s
windows-arm64 release CrossAOT_Mono crossaot
14m 35s
windows-x86 Release Libraries_NET48
34m 7s
windows-x64 Debug Libraries_WithPackages
26m 47s
linux-arm64 Release AllSubsets_Mono_Minijit_RuntimeTests minijit
59m 33s
osx-x64 Release AllSubsets_Mono_Minijit_RuntimeTests minijit
1h 20m 8s
windows-x64 Release AllSubsets_Mono_Minijit_RuntimeTests minijit
1h 43m 11s
osx-x64 Release AllSubsets_Mono_Interpreter_RuntimeTests monointerpreter
1h 27m 0s
linux-x64 Release AllSubsets_Mono_LLVMAot_RuntimeTests llvmaot
1h 47m 50s
coreclr Common Pri0 Test Build AnyOS AnyCPU checked
38m 52s
linux-x64 Debug Mono_Interpreter_LibrariesTests
1h 0m 32s
linux-arm64 Debug Mono_MiniJIT_LibrariesTests
54m 22s
linux-x64 Debug Mono_MiniJIT_LibrariesTests
54m 25s
osx-x64 Debug Mono_MiniJIT_LibrariesTests
45m 29s
Libraries Test Run release coreclr linux_musl x64 Debug
37m 25s
linux-x64 release Installer_Build_And_Test
11m 51s
Libraries Test Run release coreclr linux x64 Debug
44m 40s
osx-x64 release Installer_Build_And_Test
18m 41s
Libraries Test Run release coreclr osx x64 Debug
19m 56s
windows-x64 release Installer_Build_And_Test
14m 46s
Libraries Test Run release coreclr windows x64 Debug
1h 9m 9s
windows-x86 Debug Installer_Build_And_Test
14m 32s
Libraries Test Run release coreclr windows x86 Release
33m 53s
Libraries Test Run checked coreclr linux arm64 Debug
35m 35s
Libraries Test Run checked coreclr osx x64 Debug
17m 11s
Libraries Test Run checked coreclr linux_musl x64 Debug
58m 37s
Libraries Test Run checked coreclr windows x86 Debug
1h 7m 46s
Libraries Test Run checked coreclr linux_musl arm Release
27m 32s
Libraries Test Run checked coreclr linux_musl arm64 Release
27m 39s
Libraries Test Run checked coreclr linux x64 Release
51m 11s
Libraries Test Run checked coreclr windows x64 Release
1h 7m 34s
browser-wasm linux Release WasmBuildTests
1h 47m 42s
browser-wasm windows Release WasmBuildTests
1h 10m 27s
coreclr Pri0 Runtime Tests Run linux arm checked
32m 5s
coreclr Pri0 Runtime Tests Run windows x86 checked
1h 7m 45s
coreclr Pri0 Runtime Tests Run windows arm64 checked
17m 10s
coreclr Pri0 Runtime Tests Run linux arm64 checked
35m 44s
coreclr Pri0 Runtime Tests Run linux x64 checked
55m 43s
coreclr Pri0 Runtime Tests Run osx x64 checked
27m 9s
coreclr Pri0 Runtime Tests Run windows x64 checked
1h 5m 46s
coreclr Pri0 Runtime Tests Run osx arm64 checked
Source Build Validation