#20240223.2 • Update project metadata. (#649)
This run is being retained as one of recent runs by pipeline.
Triggered by csaba-ilonka-rollbar
0 work items0 artifacts
Kindly upgrade to new major version of this task 'Use .NET Core (2.*)' for installing newer versions of .NET Core. '0.*' task version might not be able to download newer .NET core versions. To know more about 'Use Dot Net (2.*)', refer 6.0.101
Rollbar\Infrastructure\RollbarClientBase.cs(113,17): Warning SYSLIB0014: 'ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(Uri)' is obsolete: 'WebRequest, HttpWebRequest, ServicePoint, and WebClient are obsolete. Use HttpClient instead.' (
Building the solution...
Rollbar\RollbarDataScrubbingHelper.cs(39,59): Warning CS1574: XML comment has cref attribute 'EmptyDisposable' that could not be resolved
Building the solution...
Rollbar\RollbarInfrastructure.cs(189,21): Warning S125: Remove this commented out code. (
Building the solution...
Rollbar\PayloadPackageDecorators\HttpRequestMessagePackageDecorator.cs(206,32): Warning S1144: Remove the unused private method 'DecideCollectableUserIPValue'. (
Building the solution...
Rollbar\PayloadPackageDecorators\HttpRequestMessagePackageDecorator.cs(33,47): Warning S4487: Remove this unread private field '_rollbarConfig' or refactor the code to use its value. (
Building the solution...
Rollbar\RollbarLocator.cs(32,17): Warning S1144: Remove the unused private constructor 'RollbarLocator'. (
Building the solution...
Rollbar\Infrastructure\RollbarPackageDecoratorBase.cs(110,29): Warning S4275: Refactor this getter so that it actually refers to the field '_rollbarData'. (
Building the solution...
Rollbar\DTOs\Client.cs(38,33): Warning S2094: Remove this empty class, write its code or make it an "interface". (
Building the solution...
Rollbar\DTOs\DomTelemetry.cs(26,17): Warning S1144: Remove the unused private constructor 'DomTelemetry'. (
Building the solution...
Show 159 additional warnings
11m 27s