Name | Last change | Commits | More actions | ||
b65e787fCreate FUNDING.yml Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
930f015bMinor fixes Aaron Campf | |||||
9452040a- begin true implementation of dark theme Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
fcea5ce0- more fixes for Windows 11 and visual glitches Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c01c1a9b- many style redesigns Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
fcea5ce0- more fixes for Windows 11 and visual glitches Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c940fbae- Fixes for grouping Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c01c1a9b- many style redesigns Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
4695e701- upgrade all packages to latest version Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
f01ce36c- upgraded the FluentRibbon to the latest Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
f8385a9c- first batch of code with the new design Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
fcea5ce0- more fixes for Windows 11 and visual glitches Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
FluentRibbon @ f891ef7d | d9c3a3db- Work on implementation of light and Dark themes Dimitar Tsenev | ||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
ca121d09Merge pull request #137 from Gainedge/dependabot/nuget/google-api-dotnet-clie... Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c01c1a9b- many style redesigns Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c01c1a9b- many style redesigns Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
799cf477#131 Added doubl click on empty folder space option Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c01c1a9b- many style redesigns Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d6321dbc- upgraded nuget packages to latest version Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
1740ed1a- a lot of changes regarding the design of the icons and File operations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c01c1a9b- many style redesigns Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
f8385a9c- first batch of code with the new design Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
f8385a9c- first batch of code with the new design Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
fa9e0bce- fixed issue BE-432 (resolve issue: resolution=RESOLVED status=Fixed) Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
fcea5ce0- more fixes for Windows 11 and visual glitches Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
fcea5ce0- more fixes for Windows 11 and visual glitches Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c01c1a9b- many style redesigns Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
fcea5ce0- more fixes for Windows 11 and visual glitches Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
f8385a9c- first batch of code with the new design Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c01c1a9b- many style redesigns Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
adcc1b8f- some fixes before the release Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c01c1a9b- many style redesigns Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c01c1a9b- many style redesigns Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
c01c1a9b- many style redesigns Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
093d1266- fixes #134 - missing highlight on drag over Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
73adbcff- added Windows 11 goodies Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
780697fb- changed the updater for the app Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
d3552424- begin adding localisations Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
825c2c7bRefactored AutoSwitch Aaron Campf | |||||
3da51ad8Create Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
deab886dCreate Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
9c3234a2- Fix an exception when trying to populate GroupBy and SortBy menus Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
ea35ffe6- Updated License DimitarCC | |||||
fcea5ce0- more fixes for Windows 11 and visual glitches Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
746ac078Update Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
3f90b1dcFixed formatting Aaron Campf | |||||
cd4c5eebCreate Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
fcea5ce0- more fixes for Windows 11 and visual glitches Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
f8385a9c- first batch of code with the new design Dimitar Tsenev | |||||
A Better Explorer filemanager repository
If you want help contributing email us at
How to build and test Better Explorer
You can also download a test build from our website.
Important: This process includes the installation of Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition. It might take a bit of a while!
Anyway, here's how it's done (in just 3 steps!):
Download the builder Download and install Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition. (Can be found with a quick search online.) The developers use Visual Studio and that is the only way Better Explorer to be built.
Get the source code On the top of this page, click on the "ZIP" button to download the latest build in a zip file. Unzip the file into a new, empty folder.
Make the program Now that you downloaded and unzipped the source code, open the folder you created and you'll see a bunch of folders and files. Double-click on BExplorer.sln and it will open up in Visual Studio or SharpDevelop. Then, open the Build menu and select "Build Solution". This will make the program, and if any errors occur, check back here soon to see if we posted any fixes.
To access the program, open the BExplorer folder, and then open the BetterExplorer folder. A folder called "bin" should have been created in there. Open that up and then open the "Debug" folder, and ta-da! There it is!
Help with translations
We have had translations made for us, but they're horribly out of date... Some people are still around helping with translations, but we still would like all of the help we would like! Know another language? Why not help us out? Go to for more instructions.