#20210112.1 • chore: Bump version
This run is being retained as one of recent runs by pipeline.
Triggered by stevenengland
0 work items0 artifacts
src\App\FinCalcR.Common\FinCalcR.Common.csproj(19,5): Warning : FinCalcR.Common.csproj is Multilingual build enabled, but the Multilingual App Toolkit is unavailable during the build. If building with Visual Studio, please check to ensure that toolkit is properly installed.
Build solution **/*WinUi.Tests.csproj
src\App\FinCalcR.WinUi\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs(1,1): Warning SA1210: Using directives should be ordered alphabetically by the namespaces.
Build solution **/*WinUi.Tests.csproj
src\App\FinCalcR.WinUi\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs(42,1): Warning SA1111: Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter
Build solution **/*WinUi.Tests.csproj
src\App\FinCalcR.WinUi\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs(36,1): Warning SA1027: Tabs and spaces should be used correctly
Build solution **/*WinUi.Tests.csproj
src\App\FinCalcR.WinUi\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs(37,1): Warning SA1027: Tabs and spaces should be used correctly
Build solution **/*WinUi.Tests.csproj
src\App\FinCalcR.WinUi\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs(38,1): Warning SA1027: Tabs and spaces should be used correctly
Build solution **/*WinUi.Tests.csproj
src\App\FinCalcR.WinUi\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs(39,1): Warning SA1027: Tabs and spaces should be used correctly
Build solution **/*WinUi.Tests.csproj
src\App\FinCalcR.WinUi\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs(40,1): Warning SA1027: Tabs and spaces should be used correctly
Build solution **/*WinUi.Tests.csproj
src\App\FinCalcR.WinUi\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs(41,1): Warning SA1027: Tabs and spaces should be used correctly
Build solution **/*WinUi.Tests.csproj
src\App\FinCalcR.WinUi\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs(33,1): Warning SA1507: Code should not contain multiple blank lines in a row
Build solution **/*WinUi.Tests.csproj
View the log to see the remaining 18 warnings for this task
Show 4 additional warnings
7m 13s