Note (2024-11-18) Updating resource for cookie use in, new method in secureUtility class to verify activity of feature
Note (2024-06-14) library updates and fixes
Note (2024-06-09)
Improvements in architecture polymorphism, refactoring communication between business and ORM, overwriting signatures by changing enumerators for objects. completed, new updates available in nuget
Note (2024-06-03)
Resuming video classes on the community channel "Granting Technology Study" [Shortly - Granting Technology Study
- YouTube]
Note (2024-05-25)
Critical! Refactory of librarys package "gt.enumerator.general" ,segregation of main native enumerators, "invoke.cs" run.template and orms class changed to provide performance and reusability improvements (OOP)
library gt.enumerator.general
Note (2024-05-23)
Official branch to download study and test solution
Note (2024-04-14)
- Docker Linux: Adjustments to physical access paths to .json configuration GT files (Docker compose)
- Granting Technology Study documentation update - Detailing of resources contained in the architecture, modelcollection usage
Note (2024-04-01)
Adequacy of the use license for users, GNU General Public License v3.0
News! Now we are in "Gallety Nuget" all the libraries of the GT _general base are available to you!
Note (2024-03-29)
Fixed problems with .gitignore, revised all files and refactored, now publishing correctly without sending unnecessary files
Note (2024-03-24)
Update from the Net 6 framework to Microsoft Net 8, bringing major improvements to the GT architecture and features such as execution in generic environments such as Windows or Linux...
Latest GT resource pack update
With the new advances in the search for better standardization, performance and understanding, version 3.0 of the Granting Technology Study architecture is available for analysis (watch introduction ) .
Download the repository and start developing systems in a professional way, with performance and control of the entire application life cycle, without redundancies or coupling problems or cohesion due to inconsistencies.
We still invite you to bring new ideas, suggestions for the study project, be part of the GT architecture construction team.
(Change the translation to your native culture! PT, ES, CH...)
Note (2023-03-09)
Chapter (Welcome) - HTML pages, front-end example using (Mvc.View)
Note (2023-03-08) - Basic components for utilities in the user interface
Chapter (Welcome) - Utlility initial of configuration global
Chapter (Welcome) - Dependence Injection Uncoupled
Chapter (Welcome) - Access authentication Manager
Chapter (Welcome) - GT folder in the root of the application
Chapter (Welcome) - UI - App.Example.Controllers (MVC)
Note (2023-03-07) - Cicle life GT
Chapter (Welcome) - Cicle Life Archtecture GT
Note (2023-03-06)
Added for analysis and studies, an example development project using the GT architecture, where it is possible to understand the life cycle of a request. Using SQL Express database connection, and ORM Dapper. The "Cash Flow" project is an example of development, to facilitate the understanding of the GT architecture, in projects of all sizes and complexity. Open source, not granted for profit.