#Build spack-package (gcc-10, ubuntu, openmpi) • Merge pull request #2408 from DARMA-tasking/2406-disable-json-formatting
This run will be cleaned up after 1 month based on your project settings.
Triggered by lifflander
0 work items0 artifacts
Network darma-tasking-vt_default Creating
Build container
Network darma-tasking-vt_default Created
Build container
Cloning into 'spack'...
Build container
Updating files: 100% (12249/12249) Updating files: 100% (12249/12249), done.
Build container
Cloning into 'spack-package'...
Build container
Note: switching to 'v0.16.3'.
Build container
No message found for this issue
Build container
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
Build container
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
Build container
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.
Build container
View the log to see the remaining 54 errors for this task
1m 48s